Born in West Virginia on May 15, 1986
Andrew Shawn Donovan IV (full name)
Teddy Stewart (illegal adoption name)
Agent of the International Security Alliance (ISA)
Washington, DC
Shane Donovan (father)
Kimberly Brady (mother)
Jeannie "Theresa" Donovan (sister)
Eve Donovan (paternal half-sister)
Andrew Donovan II (paternal grandfather)
Margaret Donovan (paternal grandmother)
Shawn Brady (maternal grandfather; deceased)
Caroline Brady (maternal grandmother; deceased)
Pete Brady (maternal great-grandfather)
Patrick Aloysius Brady (maternal great-great-grandfather)
Nora Molly Brady (maternal great-great-grandfather)
Andrew Donovan III (paternal uncle)
Roman Brady (maternal uncle)
Kayla Brady (maternal aunt)
Frankie Brady (maternal uncle; via adoption)
Maxwell Brady (maternal uncle; via adoption)
Bo Brady (maternal half-uncle)
Paige Larson (paternal niece)
Tate Black (nephew)
Carrie Brady (maternal cousin)
Samantha Brady (maternal cousin)
Eric Brady (maternal cousin)
Rex Brady (maternal cousin)
Cassie Brady (maternal cousin)
Stephanie Kay Johnson (maternal cousin)
Joey Johnson (maternal cousin)
Shawn-Douglas Brady (maternal half-cousin)
Chelsea Brady (maternal half-cousin)
Zack Brady (maternal half-cousin; deceased)
Ciara Brady (maternal half-cousin)
Eric Brady (maternal great-uncle)
Colleen Brady (maternal great-aunt; deceased)
Molly Brady (maternal great-aunt)
Colin Murphy (maternal first cousin once removed; deceased)
Will Horton (maternal first cousin once removed)
John "Johnny" Roman DiMera (maternal first cousin once removed)
Alice "Allie" Caroline Horton (maternal first cousin once removed)
Sydney Ann DiMera (maternal first cousin once removed)
Noah Reed (maternal first cousin once removed)
Claire Brady (maternal first half-cousin once removed)
Arianna Grace Horton (maternal first cousin twice removed)
Paul Narita (dating/lovers)
Andrew is the eldest son of Kimberly and Shane Brady. When he was born they believed he was Victor's child because Kimberly had slept with Victor to secure Shane's freedom, and it wasn't until long after the baby was born that they learned the truth. As a baby, he was kidnapped by Emma Marshall, and adopted by Paul and Barbara Stewart. Even after Barbara realized he was Kimberly's son she chose to keep him, but luckily Shane discovered the truth. When Kimberly and Shane divorced, she took the children and left Salem.