Anita chastised Maria for working too hard and not going home. Maria accused her of doing the same. Ethan was taken in due to a hand injury sustained in jail. Aidan arrived to see Anita, and she offered to buy him coffee. She wondered if she'd led him on and then freaked out when Aidan admitted he had a thing for her. He found her and explained that she had made it clear that she wanted her marriage to work and that she had done nothing wrong. Maria wanted to be alone with Ethan, so the cuffs came off, and the police waited outside the door.
Ethan suggested he find another doctor, and Maria informed him she had no agenda and could perform as his doctor. He was indignant when she told him he was faking pain and nothing was broken. She called him "Mr. Cambias," and he told her he was not a Cambias. She hoped he was innocent of the shooting charges and recommended he not look guilty by trying to run. She told him Zach was on his side, and he should trust Zach. Maria was surprised Zach had refused to post his bail. Ethan saw an opportunity to escape and ran out of the hospital, only to run into Aidan right outside the door.
Ryan lay on top of Greenlee outside as bullets hit a nearby picnic table. Zach lowered the rifle and ran out of the woods. Greenlee was groggy as they made their way back to their car and drove home. Jonathan saw the bullet holes in the car and was worried. Derek arrived and told them it couldn't be Ethan because he was still locked up. Ryan found a bullet in the car and asked Jonathan to watch over Greenlee while he ran an errand. They sat in the car, and Jonathan expressed his opinion that Kendall was the shooter. Alone, Greenlee relived the event, this time with Kendall holding the gun. She was convinced that Kendall had shot and killed Ryan, and when she saw Kendall in the parking lot, she put the car in gear and gunned it.
Erica called Kendall to meet her at the office spaces for her new venture, "New Beginnings," and said she wanted Kendall's input. Kendall told Erica about Bianca looking for a letter from Babe. Erica told Kendall that Bianca was better off without reading it. Erica wouldn't answer any more questions from Kendall about it, except to say Babe was nothing but trouble. Kendall was enthusiastic about Erica's plans for New Beginnings. Erica offered Kendall a job and a chance to get away from Ryan and Greenlee, assuming that things were not going well at Fusion. Kendall turned down the offer, saying she needed to find her own new beginning, and asked for Erica's help.
Erica was annoyed that the seller was late for their appointment and even more annoyed when Zach/Alexander showed up as the owner. Kendall asked him about posting bail for Ethan, and Zach said Ethan wasn't in trouble anymore. She rushed out when he told them about Ryan being shot at again. Zach informed Erica that since she had told Edmund about him hugging Maria and breaking up their marriage, he had a reason to stay in town, and the space was no longer available. After he left, Erica made a phone call to get the papers drawn up, saying she would persuade the owner to sell.
Bianca held Bess and did not believe J.R.'s story that Babe's letter said Bess was really Miranda and it was their son who had died in the accident. J.R. apologized for the shock, and Bianca said she understood everything. She was upset and told J.R. she was close to committing murder. J.R. reminded her of the DNA test that had proven Bess was his daughter. He called Babe twisted and said she was using Bianca to get back at him. Bianca told him he was the liar, not Babe.
Bianca accused J.R. of threatening Babe and forcing her to leave town. She demanded to see the letter, and J.R. told her he'd destroyed both their letters. Bianca refused to believe that Babe could have kept her baby away from her for even a day and blamed J.R. for the cruel plan. J.R. pretended to want to protect Bianca from Babe. Bianca talked to Bess about how it was impossible that her mother could have done it. As she left, she warned J.R. that it wasn't over.
Ryan confronted Zach in his office and offered him a clean shot.
Bianca confronted Erica at New Beginnings with J.R.'s claims that Babe's letter to her revealed that Bess was actually Miranda. She demanded that Erica confirm what the letter sent to her had said. Erica did her best to avoid discussing it, but Bianca was steadfast until Erica admitted that although she had not read the letter herself, J.R. had told her that the letter to Bianca had been filled with lies about Bess being Miranda -- lies that were intended to punish J.R. Bianca was torn between disbelief that J.R. would go to such extremes in order to discredit Babe and hope that maybe Babe's claims were true, a hope that Erica was quick to put to into perspective by pointing out that she'd confirmed the DNA results proving that Bess was JR's daughter with Joe Martin, who was completely trustworthy.
Bianca told Erica that she didn't believe that Babe would make such an outrageous claim if it wasn't true, but Erica reminded her that Babe's history was jaded, at best. She'd slept with her husband's brother and broke promises to Bianca, including the one about never leaving her. Bianca refused to believe the worst about Babe. She again wondered why J.R. would behave the way that he was toward Babe, and Erica gave Bianca insight by sharing the similarities between her relationship with Bianca's father, Travis, and his brother, Jackson, back when she had been married to him. She told Bianca that situations like that tended to bring out the worst in everyone.
As Tad read the paper with the headline caption of "No Answers in the Death of Lt. Governor's Ex-In-Law," featuring a picture of Paul Cramer, he remembered David's warning about not telling Bianca the truth about Miranda, lest their children be charged with the murder of Paul. A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts, and he found J.R. standing on his doorstep with Bess in his arms. He claimed to want to talk to Tad about the situation Babe and Jamie were in. He did his best to convince Tad that he was merely looking out for their best interests in his desire to make sure they didn't return to town then shared Adam's plan to have Jamie charged with the missing money in order to force Tad to reveal Colby's whereabouts.
Tad wasn't fooled. He saw through J.R.'s deception and called him on it. He told J.R. that the real reason he didn't want Jamie and Babe to return to Pine Valley was because he was afraid that Babe would return and take his daughter away from him. J.R. tried to deny it, but Tad was wise to him. Frustrated, J.R. left just as Joe arrived to pay a visit to his son. Tad decided to tell his father everything that was going on, including that Ace was really JR's son and that Babe and Jamie were probably going to be the prime suspects in the murder of Paul Cramer.
Joe pointed out how much Jamie and Babe's actions resembled Tad and Dixie's when J.R. had been a baby and they had taken him from Adam. Tad wasn't pleased, but he saw his father's point. The difference, though, he was quick to point out, was that Jamie was keeping the news that his brother's son was alive and well, not dead. Conflicted about what to do, they discussed things further. Just before leaving, Joe encouraged Tad, reminding Tad that he knew in his heart what to do. Shortly afterwards, Aidan arrived with information about the aliases that Jamie and Babe were using then they both set out to find them.
Greenlee, still in the grips of her delusion, saw Kendall, whom she believed had murdered Ryan, walk in front of her car in the parking garage. She turned on the engine and proceeded to run Kendall down just as Jonathan emerged from the stairwell. He ran up to Greenlee to see if she was okay then went to check on Kendall, who had been knocked out but not seriously injured. Greenlee got out of the car and once again tried to attack Kendall, who was standing up.
Greenlee screamed that Kendall had killed Ryan, and Jonathan physically held Greenlee back while Kendall told Greenlee that she had lost her mind. Jonathan did his best to reassure Greenlee that Ryan was safe, only out running errands, but Greenlee remained irrational, convinced that Ryan had been murdered. He told Kendall that it was only an accident, and after suggesting that Kendall go to the ER to be checked out, Jonathan managed to get Greenlee up to the apartment, where he gave her something to drink then got her to lie down and rest. Then he left the apartment to get Greenlee something to eat.
Outside the hospital, Ethan attempted to flee, but Aidan stopped him and told him about Ryan's shooting. Ethan was clearly surprised, which led Aidan to suspect that he might not have been behind the shooting, after all. After the police officer, with Maria close on his heels, caught up with Ethan, Aidan surprised both Ethan and Maria by providing Ethan a cover story: he had needed fresh air, so he wouldn't be charged with trying to escape.
In her office, Maria and Anita shared a private moment. Maria confessed to Anita that she was in love with both Edmund and Zach. She had believed she could be happily married to Edmund and maintain a friendship with Zach, but she obviously couldn't. She suggested that Edmund had figured out the truth before she had. Anita listened with a sympathetic ear until Ethan's X-rays arrived, showing his hand was not fractured. Anita resumed her duties while Maria got back to work, as well.
In the waiting area, Kendall walked in and found Ethan waiting for his results. She was surprised to find Ethan in the hospital and asked him why, but he was more concerned about her condition. She told him what had happened then Anita arrived to take her to radiology. While patching Kendall up, Anita let her know how angry she was for how Kendall had used Bobby. She offered to pay Kendall back, but Kendall said that she was the one who owed Anita. She had used Bobby because she hadn't been able to accept that Ryan couldn't love her the way that she wanted him to. Anita admitted that she knew how that felt.
Ryan barged into Zach's office and accused him of being the shooter at the rest stop. Zach listened as Ryan showed him his proof, the bullet he'd found in the back seat of his car, and told him that it matched the ones that he'd seen in Zach's desk. Zach smiled and admitted that though they might be the same bullets, it didn't prove he was the shooter. Ryan tried to bait Zach by discussing Alexander Cambias Sr., but Zach retained his cool. A phone call interrupted them, and Zach cut Ryan off and left.
Zach arrived in Maria's office, concerned about Ethan's injury, only to discover that Ethan had tried to escape. In his upset, he revealed enough information for Maria to figure out that Zach hadn't helped Ethan with his bail so that he could get him cleared of the charges by making it appear the shooter was attempting to kill Ryan again while Ethan was in jail, providing him with the perfect alibi. Maria confronted him with her suspicions, which Zach did not deny. In the waiting area, Kendall returned and found Olivia with Ethan and the news that a judge would see them that night to drop charges, since it looked like Ethan was not the shooter. Zach's plan had worked.
Greenlee woke up and found Ryan in the apartment. She reacted violently, believing he was not real and that it was a trick of her imagination, that the real Ryan was dead. Ryan tried to calm her down, to no avail. Greenlee cried out that her Ryan was dead and for him to get away from her. He was finally able to reach her, but it was clear that Greenlee's grasp on reality was tentative.
When Jonathan walked in carrying takeout, Ryan yelled at him for leaving Greenlee alone. Jonathan tried to explain that he had only been across the street, getting Greenlee some food, thinking she hadn't eaten all day and needed it. Ryan's attention was quickly diverted when Greenlee started complaining of a headache. Realizing he had no other choice, Ryan picked her up and carried her out of the apartment, intent on getting her to the hospital to find out what was wrong with her.
Ryan carried Greenlee into the hospital, only to be told by the nurse behind the desk that he had to take a seat and wait his turn. He tried to impress upon her that it was an emergency, but the nurse stubbornly refused to listen to him. When Joe Martin passed by, Ryan grabbed him and begged for his help with Greenlee, who was standing next to Ryan, looking dazed and wobbly. Joe realized right away that there was something terribly wrong with Greenlee, so he ordered the nurse to call Maria and tell her to meet them in an examination room. Maria was in her office, arguing with Zach about his outlandish attempt to free Ethan by shooting at Ryan and Greenlee. She was interrupted by a phone call notifying her of Greenlee's admission to the hospital. She rushed out, leaving Zach behind.
In the exam room with Joe, Ryan, and Greenlee, Maria asked a series of questions in an attempt to determine what the cause of Greenlee's headaches, odd behavior, and blurry vision could be. She and Joe decided to order an MRI immediately. Greenlee panicked, worried that Maria suspected a terminal brain tumor, but Ryan calmed her down. When she prepared to get in the MRI, Greenlee again experienced a moment of panic at the thought of being enclosed in the device. She begged Ryan to get her a newer model, one that was opened, but he pointed out that it was not something that was easily done.
With great trepidation Greenlee got onto the MRI while Ryan promised to wait just outside the room, watching her the entire time through the window. In the hallway, Ryan sought reassurance from Maria that Greenlee would be fine, but all Maria could say was that she was trying to rule out the possibility of a tumor. He relaxed for a moment and shared with her his belief that Zach was the person who had shot at him earlier that day. He noticed instantly that Maria didn't seem surprised and commented on it, but before it could go further than that, they heard Greenlee begin to yell to let her out of the MRI.
Maria and Ryan rushed in, and Ryan quickly calmed Greenlee down then insisted on staying with her during the test. Maria and the technician were reluctant but relented when it became clear that Ryan would not leave his wife's side. During the second MRI, Ryan comforted Greenlee with uplifting stories and reassurances of his deep love for her.
While Maria was gone, Zach made a phone call to find out the status of Ethan's case, to no avail. He responded to a knock at the door and found a stranger standing there, holding a large envelope, asking for Maria. Zach asked if he could help, but the gentleman refused the offer, saying he had to see Maria in person.
Maria walked in a few moments later and was immediately handed the envelope by the stranger who told her, "You've been served." The envelope contained divorce papers. She immediately let Zach know that discussion about her pending divorce was off limits. When he asked after Greenlee's health, Maria used the opportunity to once again urge Zach to come clean to Ethan about being his father. Zach was adamant in his decision not to say anything, clinging to the argument that learning he was a Cambias would ruin Ethan's life.
Adam tried to convince Krystal to tell him the truth about the letter. He asked her if Bess was his granddaughter or if there was a possibility of a grandson who had perished in the helicopter crash. He pulled out every weapon in his arsenal to get the truth from Krystal: lies, manipulation, and even bribery, to no avail. Krystal refused to disclose anything to him. She even went as far to tell him that she was 100% certain that Bess was his grandchild and that the letters Babe had written were nothing but a pack of lies because she was the one who had put Babe up to writing them. It had been an attempt to get Bess away from J.R. and his father. Adam was livid and stormed out of the cabin.
Awaiting the judge's entrance into court for the special hearing Olivia had set up, Ethan tried to convince Kendall to press charges against Greenlee for running her over. Kendall flatly refused and instead tried to convince him that Greenlee was unwell. Ethan wasn't concerned, but he was unable to change Kendall's mind. Once the judge entered, everyone took their seats. Olivia made a compelling argument to have the charges dismissed, but the prosecution insisted that the second shooter was most likely a copycat who might either be seeking publicity or attempting to help free Ethan. The judge decided to let the charges stand but reduced the bail, which allowed Kendall to use her shares in Fusion as collateral for bail.
Kendall took Ethan back to her place and handed him a set of keys. She was quick to let him know that although she would like him to stay with her rather than at the run-down motel, it was more for practical reasons than romantic ones. Ethan accepted her offer. They sat down to enjoy some caviar and Champagne as well as a kiss, but Kendall pulled back. She told him that the last time they'd been together, they'd been saying goodbye, but they weren't anymore. She was worried that they were doing nothing but complicating their relationship, which might, in the end, ruin everything else between them. Ethan listened to her concerns then convinced her to take a chance with him.
After reading a newspaper headline about Ace Buchanan's kidnapping, which showed a picture of him, a man in a diner looked over to the table where Babe and Jamie were seated with James. He saw enough of a resemblance between the picture and James to go over to their table and make small talk before asking more probing questions about James. Introducing himself as Charlie Dibble, the town's magistrate, he took a seat at the table and told Babe and Jamie in no uncertain terms that he planned on ascertaining whether James was really their son before letting them leave town. Babe, hoping to throw off suspicion and garner "family loyalty," pretended that she was a Dibble from Georgia and claimed that they might be related. Her plan flopped miserably.
Jamie quickly devised a scheme to pretend to be an angry husband who was outraged that someone would question whether the baby was his or not. He accused Babe of cheating on him the night James had been conceived, saying it was with a man named Steve whom she'd left with for an hour during a jamboree. Babe played along as the offended wife who'd done nothing wrong and insisted that the baby was her husband's. They went back and forth, weaving their story, until Charlie Dibble was put into a position where he felt obligated to take back his words and suspicions in order to prevent the couple from breaking up. While they shared a dance to their "special song," Charlie Dibble left the diner.
Moments later, Babe and Jamie decided to leave, as well, before he changed his mind and returned. As Jamie was at the diner counter, he glimpsed the newspaper that Charlie Dibble was reading and learned of Paul Cramer's death. He tried to hide it from Babe when she joined him there but was unsuccessful. Babe wondered aloud who might have killed Paul. Jamie replied, "Who cares? He's dead, let's get a move on."
Bianca was sitting at the boathouse, flashing back to the time when she'd sat there with Maggie, telling her that no matter what happened in life, she and Babe would always be connected because of what had happened at the cabin. Just then, Krystal showed up, and Bianca asked if she'd heard from Babe. Having heard nothing, Bianca confessed that she finally understood why Babe had left town.
Krystal, afraid that the truth had come out, asked Bianca not to be angry at Babe. To the contrary, Bianca was more worried. She told Krystal that she knew about Paul Cramer harassing Babe once upon a time and had no reason to believe that he had ever stopped. When she'd heard about his murder, Bianca had been certain that he had put Babe in between a rock and a hard place. She knew that Babe had had no choice but to kill him and leave her baby behind while she'd gone on the run. She also knew that if her theory was correct, Babe could never return to Pine Valley.
Krystal, impressed that Bianca was still sticking up for and standing by Babe, despite all that had happened, had to give her a hug. She told Bianca that she was the best thing that had ever happened to Babe. Bianca corrected her by saying that she ranked second only to Babe's baby. Krystal couldn't agree more.
After Krystal left, Bianca retreated into her reveries. She recalls another time with Maggie at the boathouse, when Maggie had convinced her to jump into the freezing cold water with her. She smiled at the memory but was again returned to the present by another interruption. This time, it was Maggie.
Bianca thought that Maggie had pulled an all-nighter, but Maggie corrected her. It turned out that Jonathan had needed to get up early, and she hadn't been able to get back to sleep. She offered to leave if Bianca was having a private moment, but Bianca insisted that she stay. She told Maggie that she had just been thinking back to some of their times together, and they laughed about times gone by.
Then, Maggie said that she had to be honest with Bianca -- she knew that her interactions with Jonathan hadn't been the easiest thing to deal with. Maggie said that she felt bad about it, but Bianca insisted that it was not her fault. Maggie said that she was, in part, responsible, because she'd told Jonathan that she was in love with Bianca.
As Bianca sat there, slightly stunned, Maggie explained that Jonathan knew her feelings were completely one-sided. She also noted that Jonathan's problem was not about Maggie loving another woman, but more about not coming first in her life. Maggie told Bianca that Jonathan did indeed come first, and that she knew she came first in his life. There was no doubt, or they wouldn't be living together.
Bianca and Maggie agreed that they each wanted the other to be happy -- and then Maggie questioned why Bianca was still in Pine Valley. Puzzled, Bianca asked where else she would be. Maggie told her that she'd thought Bianca would have gone to Poland to be with Lena. Certainly, before, Bianca had had a good reason to stay: Babe and Bess. With them gone, Maggie was confused as to why she hadn't gone yet.
While they were driving down the road, playing games and talking, Babe turned to Jamie and said that it was time to face the truth: he could be her brother. Jamie practically choked on some candy he had been eating and wanted to know what she was talking about. Dreamy as ever, Babe said that by that time, the truth was out, the shock had worn off, and Tad had to be on his way to forgiving Krystal for what she'd done. Given how much they loved each other, they might have run off and eloped, which would mean that Jamie was Babe's stepbrother.
Calming down after that explanation, Jamie told Babe that he had felt a lot of things on a lot of different levels for her since their initial meeting. Feeling like her brother, however, was not one of them -- and he didn't want to start feeling that way. Babe took that information in, and then mimicked the sentiment. Jamie asked where she wanted to go with the feelings she was having, and after a moment, she asked him if he really wanted to know.
Jamie indicated that he did, so Babe told him that she wanted to go somewhere that she could take her son to the park and not be afraid that someone was going to snatch him. She wanted to go somewhere that they could relax, build a life together, love each other, be safe, be a real family. Jamie, completely taken in, said that he could provide her with everything she could ever want and more.
Babe and Jamie stopped for a moment so they could get out and stretch their legs. She told him that it was funny how she had grown up with next to nothing and had always thought that someday, she would be happy. However, back then, her idea of happy included having the things she'd thought she'd been missing. As it turned out, being married to J.R., she'd had all the things she'd thought she'd needed. However, here she was, back in a used car, traveling across the country, and she couldn't be happier.
Babe thought of the ideal again and how great it would be if Tad and Krystal were married at that moment. Babe turned to look at Jamie and was forced to see his skeptical expression. She asked if he thought they had decided to wait, and Jamie told her that he thought Tad and Krystal would get married when hell froze over.
Jamie told Babe that not only was the truth really important to Tad, but Tad had also lost a baby himself. The fact that Krystal had engineered the events that were still keeping Bianca and her baby apart just made everything worse. Babe, still trying to be positive, said that since Jamie had forgiven her, there was still hope. Jamie said that if it weren't for what Krystal had done, the truth would have come out a lot sooner, and they could have all gotten on with their lives. However, as it stood, if Tad never forgave Krystal, she only had herself to blame.
Babe told Jamie that it had been her idea to keep the lie going -- so there was no way that Tad could blame Krystal for everything that had happened in the aftermath. Jamie didn't think it would make a difference. He knew his dad, and it would take him a long time to forgive Krystal's lying -- and even longer to forget.
At the cabin, David was sleeping on the couch when there was an awful banging at the door. He stumbled over and turned on the light. He looked out the window and saw that Tad was the culprit. Deciding that he couldn't deal with Tad so early in the morning, David turned the lights off with the intention of going back to bed. Not so easily cast aside, Tad broke the door in.
Tad informed David that once he'd discovered that his computer had crashed, his phone had been cut off, and his tires had been slashed, he'd known that David had been responsible. David told Tad that his search for the kids was officially over. Tad shot back that David was free to try his best, but there was no way that Tad would stop looking for Babe and Jamie. David advised him that he might want to rethink that because David was willing to go to any lengths to prevent Tad from tracking Jamie and Babe down.
Tad wanted to know the extents David would go to so that Tad would call off the search -- and further, how he felt about never seeing his child again because of the choices he had made. David said that he wanted the kids to stay as far away from Pine Valley as they could, until it was safe for them. He told Tad that if his only options were not seeing his daughter, and seeing her locked up, there really was no choice. Tad asked about Bianca, and when the time would come that she got to know that her baby was safe. Just then, Krystal walked in and said, "The time is now." She knew that Bianca had waited too long.
Krystal told David and Tad that she had run into Bianca down at the boathouse, and David was immediately alarmed. He asked her what she had told Bianca, and Krystal calmed him by admitting she'd said nothing.
Tad explained David's foolproof plans for keeping the kids safe: have them stay away from Pine Valley until someone else was convicted of Paul's murder. All would be well and good because Bianca would have her baby back in the end, but Tad wondered how David would explain why it had taken so long. Ever ready to offer up someone else's soul, David said that he would blame it on an inept lab tech. He would say that the tech had screwed up before and was the one handling the DNA test that Joe and Tad had performed. Because of this newfound "knowledge," David would say that he'd had the presence of mind to do yet another test, and that was when he'd found out the truth.
Krystal didn't think that David's idea was a good one. Bianca continued to grieve, yet she didn't know that her daughter was alive. In addition, she told them about her run-in with Adam and how he had said he would hunt Babe down and make her pay if he found out the letter was actually the truth.
David still thought that was the best thing, and Tad revealed that David had a secret agenda -- to never see the kids again if that was what needed to happen. Shocked, Krystal announced that his scenario would never happen.
Tad once again questioned if Krystal had any kind of conscience or moral fiber, but Krystal had had enough with the slams on her character. She was well aware of his opinion of her but also said that he was no saint. Tad announced that he wasn't trying to stake the moral high ground but rather wanted to make a point. Neither she nor David seemed to lose any sleep over the fact that while they'd been trying to keep their daughter safe and happy, they'd ruined many lives. He went on to say that regardless of who'd given birth to what kid, kidnapping was always wrong. Tad was done with it -- he was going to do whatever it took to make things right.
Tad said that, eventually, Babe and Jamie would have to face the consequences for their actions. David and Krystal, however, thought the most important thing was that they keep "Ace" away from J.R. Tad questions why, considering that the baby was J.R.'s, as well. David started to tear into Tad, questioning his concern even though J.R. wasn't his. David suddenly realized that with Dixie as his mother, that made "Ace" Dixie's grandchild. David inquired as to whether Tad was ready to sacrifice both their children just for Dixie.
Anger all over her face, Krystal asked Tad the same thing. Disbelief on his, Tad told her that she had never really gotten him while they'd been together. He then turned to David and told him to do his worst -- he would not stop until he found the kids.
Erica greeted Jack at the airport, and she immediately wanted to talk about how things were going with the plans for the benefit concert. All Jack wanted was a welcome home kiss and to take her back to his place.
A little while later, at the Montgomery residence, Dani and Reggie were kissing up a storm on the couch. Reggie broke away first and said that he was ready to take their relationship to the next level. He wanted to know if she felt the same. A hesitant Dani waited a beat and then said that she was ready, as well. She asked if he had protection, and he confirmed that he did. She grabbed him by the hand, and they headed back to his room, slamming the door after them.
Just then, Jack and Erica walked in the front door, preparing to get intimate themselves. Jack decided that he wanted to check on the kids before they got too involved. He went back to Reggie's room, knocked once, and then opened the door. He was alarmed to find the teens in a compromising position.
Jack stormed back into the living room, hot under the collar about what he'd seen; he was about ready to blow. Erica tried to reason with him, saying that he'd walked in on Reggie and Dani doing what Jack and she had been about to do. Jack didn't want to hear that, as they were adults and thereby had different rules. Erica insisted that the best way to deal with them was to treat them like adults.
A few moments later, Reggie and Dani trudged into the living room, expecting the worst. Erica surprised them by asking Reggie what he wanted to do for Thanksgiving. After a few minutes of back and forth banter, Reggie's nerves finally got the best of him. He asked Jack if there was something he wanted to say. Jack was the next to surprise him by saying he wanted Reggie to do all the talking.
Reggie made up some sort of wild story to explain what they had been doing in the bed, but, of course, neither Jack nor Erica was buying it. He also told them that while Jack had been out of town, Dani hadn't been there any later than 8:00, and he swore by it. Just then, Lily walked into the room and told Reggie he shouldn't do that. She showed Jack and Erica pictures that she'd taken of the teen duo kissing in various places in the apartment. She apparently had just taken pictures of the stuff she hadn't understood, so that it could be explained later.
Reggie was shocked that his moves had been caught on film, and Dani feared that she would be grounded. She asked Jack if he was going to call her father, but Jack said he would leave that honor to her. He instructed Reggie to help her out and share the blame. Knowing that Derek already had a case against him, Reggie tried to back down, to no avail.
A little while later, the men talked in the bedroom, and the women talked in the living room. Jack told Reggie that he was disappointed in him because he had trusted Reggie, and the trust was broken. He had thought Reggie could be responsible -- not just about sex, but about taking care of his sister and the apartment while Jack had been gone.
Reggie then admitted that he really thought he was falling for Dani and wanted to move their relationship to the next level. Jack told him that if he was trying to do all of that while sneaking it all under his father's nose, he was still not ready.
Out in the living room, Lily asked Erica questions about the pictures. She said that while Dani wasn't dressed like the "hot girls," she looked ready for sex. Dani, completely embarrassed, started to leave, but Erica wanted her to stay. She asked Lily if she could have a moment alone with Dani, and Lily agreed and left the room. Once Lily was gone, Erica called Dani on being a virgin and on her fears that Reggie would change his mind about how he felt for her if he found out.
Dani clued Erica in to her thought that she was a loser for still being a virgin. Erica dispelled that myth and said that just because she respected herself enough to choose wisely, that didn't make her a loser. Erica told her that making love, especially for the first time, should be special, with someone a person cared about. Just then, Jack and Reggie emerged from the room, and the two star-crossed lovers were face to face once again.
Later, Reggie walked Dani out, and they confirmed that everything was still okay with them. He told her that he really cared about her, and relieved, she said she felt the same way. He offered to walk her home, and they left.
Back inside, Jack wanted to pick up where he and Erica had left off, and Erica quipped that perhaps his apartment had seen enough action for one night. Jack admitted that he just didn't want her to leave. Erica told him that she didn't plan to go anywhere.
Greenlee and Ryan showed up at the hospital bright and early to get the test results from the MRI. Maria met up with them and gave them good news: physically, Greenlee had a clean bill of health. Their happiness was short-lived. Ryan asked what other tests they could run, because they obviously knew something was wrong. Maria said there weren't any more tests, as there were no physical indicators that gave her reason to do so. However, she would like Greenlee to consult with a staff psychiatrist.
Greenlee was initially adamant about not seeing the psychiatrist because she was not crazy. The last time she'd seen one had been after Leo had died. That doctor had wanted her to jump out of a window. She was afraid of what this one might ask her to do. Ryan asked Maria if he could have a few minutes alone to talk to Greenlee. Maria had rounds, so she opted to do those and check on them later.
Once Maria was gone, Greenlee immediately told Ryan that there was nothing to discuss. She was not crazy, so there was no reason why she needed to see a psychiatrist. She started to march out of the room, but he caught her by the arm and pulled her back to him. With just a look, he showed her how worried he was and how everything that he was doing was because he loved her and just wanted her well.
Greenlee said that she would take a bunch of herbs or try some sort of Zen meditation to fix whatever was wrong with her. One of her real fears finally showed through: if it turned out that she really was crazy, she felt she would have no choice but to walk away from Ryan.
Ryan said that the way he was trying to take care of her then was the same way she'd stood by him when he had been recuperating in the hospital. She thought it was different -- the bullet was the problem in his case; hers was a big unknown. She worried that taking one pill might not work. Ryan countered by asking, "What if it does?" He asked her to give in and get treated, not only for herself, but for them as a couple.
As luck would have it, the psychiatrist was available to see Greenlee that day. She finally acquiesced and decided to give the doctor a try. Maria thought it was a good idea and said she would check in with them later. Greenlee checked in with her hubby, to make sure he was okay, and he was.
Back in the car, Babe told Jamie that she was starting to get a bad feeling. If things hadn't worked out with Tad and Krystal, perhaps things were not as beautiful as she'd thought in Pine Valley. She wondered what would happen if Bianca hadn't been reunited with her daughter.
At that moment at the boat house, Bianca told Maggie she still felt like Babe and Bess needed her. Not able to explain it, she felt like she was on the edge of something, but she was not quite sure what it was. She thought that if she could just talk to Babe, everything would be all right.
Back in the car, Babe asked Jamie to pull over immediately so she could call back to Pine Valley. Jamie wondered what good that would do, but Babe insisted that if things didn't work out as planned, she needed to do whatever she could to fix it.
Greenlee met her shrink and did not seem too happy about it. After some coaxing from her husband, Greenlee and the doctor went into his office to talk. Jonathan walked over and asked Ryan if his wife was okay. Ryan grabbed him by the collar and told him that it was his fault she had almost killed Kendall. He asked why Jonathan had left her alone. Jonathan said he'd thought she'd needed something to eat and hadn't know Ryan's wife was "a psycho." Ryan grabbed him again and told him she was not a nutcase. Jonathan taunted Ryan to hit him in the face, but Ryan pulled away when he realized he was acting just like his father would. He apologized to Jonathan before his brother left the hospital.
In the doctor's office, Greenlee called her mother a "selfish, high-class tramp that wears men like her shoes." She said her dad was a drunk, loser, and user who had never had time for her, not even before he'd died. She said Jackson seemed pretty normal, but it was a little too late in the age gap to help her. She admitted that she fantasized about killing Kendall but never would have acted it out. She told the doctor briefly about their history and how she'd thought Ryan had really been dead and that Kendall had been the shooter.
Suddenly, Greenlee's vision got blurry, and she hallucinated that Ryan was behind the doctor, telling her what a good job she was doing so far. She slowly got up, walked next to the doctor, and put her hand up, as though she was stroking Ryan's face.
When Greenlee emerged from her trance and returned to reality, the doctor asked her if she was okay. She told him that sometimes, her vision got blurry. She also talked about Leo and how, after he'd died, she'd never thought she would find love again. Then Ryan had happened along, and she was very happy -- it actually scared her. Soon after, they went back to Ryan, and the doctor told her that he had prescribed a medication for anxiety. Greenlee and Ryan embraced when the doctor left.
Ethan and Kendall enjoyed a homemade breakfast until Bianca knocked at the door, with Zack following behind. Ethan asked Zach what he wanted. Zach told him that he had the money and offered to pay Kendall back, since she was the one who had bailed Ethan out, but Kendall refused. Bianca took Ethan outside and told him that she thought Zach was lying about not being his father. After all, they only had his word to go by.
Kendall told Ethan to get his own paternity test done. Ethan admitted that he had considered it, but if he did, it could prove that Zach had been denying him and that Zach was letting him take the rap for a crime he'd probably committed. Bianca was shocked that Ethan thought Zach was the killer. Ethan told her that he just wanted to be cleared of the crime and leave town. When Bianca asked how that would affect her sister, he said that he did not want to hurt her.
Bianca said that Kendall might act tough, but she was really all heart. She was also a great person to have on one's side, she noted. Ethan said that the only good thing that had resulted from his arrival in town had been the friendships he had made with Bianca and Kendall. Bianca asked him to think about the test and rushed off.
Zach told Kendall that she should persuade Ethan to run away. He said she was being selfish by keeping Ethan in town for her pleasure. Kendall retorted that Ethan wasn't even his son, but yet, he cared so much for him. She asked why. Zach ignored her question and put the blame back on her. Kendall told him to get out, and when Ethan returned, they resumed their breakfast. Kendall told him that they needed to talk, and maybe the best bet was for him to leave town.
Babe told Jamie that Krystal had not said much to her on the phone and that she thought her mother was lying. He suggested she call her back on a phone card and then took James to the bathroom for a quick change. When she called Krystal back, Krystal insisted that nothing was wrong, and she simply had a lot on her mind, with Tad being the biggest headache. She told Babe that Tad had every right to be angry with her and that she did not deserve his love. Babe told her that maybe he would forgive her, but Krystal seriously doubted it.
David overheard the conversation from the front door. He walked in and grabbed the phone from Krystal. He told Babe that he loved her, but she could not call him anymore at his home. Babe understood, told him she loved him, and hung up. Jamie asked if everything was okay, and she told him that she thought something was wrong. Babe wondered if something had gone wrong and if Bianca had not gotten Miranda back.
Babe looked up the Miranda Montgomery Center's World Wide Web site to see if any news had been posted. She continued to see that Miranda was still described as deceased and decided to call the headquarters. The receptionist told her that Jackson had just gotten done with details on a charity concert and that he had no news to report. Babe realized that Bianca had no idea her baby was alive. Babe decided to call someone else -- Bianca.
David told Krystal that if his phone was tapped, it could get traced. Krystal understood, and David told her that she had to let Babe go, no matter how well she and Jamie were doing on their own. They seemed to share a moment, talking about Babe, and then they kissed. Krystal pulled away and rushed off.
Bobby met with Palmer and Opal to try to get them to invest in another one of his bright gigs. Palmer told Bobby that he wanted to see a prospectus first. Anita entered and asked to speak to Bobby alone. Opal blabbed to Anita about the great investment Bobby had been talking about. She warned them not to do anything after his last investment had tanked. When Bobby asked her how she had found out, she told him about a call from Puggy, who had said the deal had tanked.
Bobby spat out that he hadn't slept with Greenlee and asked what else she wanted from him. Opal and Palmer were appalled at the idea, and when Palmer muttered that he had more faith in Bobby, Bobby said that he had always been seen as "Cliff's bastard child." Anita told him to sign the divorce papers he would be served then Opal and Palmer led Anita away. Once they were gone, Bobby called someone and said, "I saw you shoot Ryan Lavery at the murder game."